First Post!

  • 11 February 2011
  • Ceri Brown
Welcome one and all to our first news post.Its purpose is to announce that the Committee or members thereof will be skulking around in the lobby at the Food and craft Market this Saturday thrusting leaflets at the public and hoping to engage folk in chat about the Comm, its activities and its future.We constantly come up against a belief that the Comm is run by the Council and paid for out of the rates, which is not the case, so we will be stressing that the venue is run by volunteers and survives on the income from hirings and the bar – plus small grants from the town and county councils.
We will be asking for support in a variety of ways, includingcompletion of a short questionnaire.But we are also desperate for volunteers with practical skills to help with repair and renovation jobs as well as anyone who would like to join us on the Management Committee.
This support is particularly vital now because major repair work on the roof is needed and Powys CC will undertake these repairs only if the local community shows support for the Centre.
We hope to see you at the Comm then this Saturday but if you cant make it the questionnaire is available belowto download,print offand complete.And theres a cash prize if your questionnaire is pulled out of the hat!

Click here for questionnaire

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Ceri Brown

Centre Administrator

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