With the AGM of Knighton Community Centre Management Committee coming up in June, its time some of the minutes of recent meetings were out there for all to see the massive amount of work is done on the local communitys behalf by a few overstretched yet ever-cheerful volunteers.From seeking grant funding to maintaining and repairing the buildings systems to making sure we comply with mountains of health and safety regulations to running fundraising events to collecting hiring charges and ensuring that hirers arent double booked and so on….And thats not even mentioning the most complicated issues of the lease and the committees constitution.
So, for those who want to know more, the following links will take you to the appropriate Word files:October 2013,November 2013,January 2014,February 2014.
The date for the AGM will be confirmed soon and it is hoped that lots of members of the Knighton community will be keen to come along and join us running the towns most i
So, for those who want to know more, the following links will take you to the appropriate Word files:October 2013,November 2013,January 2014,February 2014.
The date for the AGM will be confirmed soon and it is hoped that lots of members of the Knighton community will be keen to come along and join us running the towns most i