July 19th gig by Noumoucounda Cissoko cancelled

  • 01 July 2013
  • Ceri Brown

The planned show at Knighton Community Centre on July 19th by highly acclaimed and talented Senegalese kora player Noumoucounda Cissokohas had to be cancelled because of a last minute visa rejection relating to a core member of his band, percussionist Khalifa Conte.This has been particularly upsetting for the performer as his whole UK tour, which included several high profile shows this summer, has been scrapped.The Community Centre committee was very disappointed to hear this news and apologises to all those who were looking forward to this event, particularly those who had already bought tickets.For refunds ticket holders are asked to send tickets to Knighton Community centre, Bowling Green Lane, LD7 1DR.Those with online bookings should have been contacted by now by the online booking agent but should get in touch via the contact page – see the menu bar above – in the event of any problems.

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Ceri Brown

Centre Administrator

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