Radnorshire Wildlife Trust – Business Forum

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Event details

Join us for our first meeting of the Wilder Radnorshire Business Forum – a space for local businesses to discuss their ambitions for increasing green credentials and sustainability and how together with RWT they can work to improve their local environment to support natures recovery and mitigate climate change.

We know that businesses across the area can contribute hugely to improving things for nature, climate and sustainability (and that many are already doing great things) and RWT are keen to support organisations with this. At this first meeting we’ll explain more about RWT’s work and how we can support you with your green ambitions as well as hearing from a range of businesses about what challenges they face and what support would be most useful.

The forum will be led by our CEO, James Hitchcock as well as myself and Silvia Cojocaru, Head of Conservation.

We will be holding two meetings in November, one in Llandrindod Wells and one in Knighton, with a view to meeting quarterly depending on the interests and availability of the group.

For more information please contact Jenny Mottershead, Community Organising Manager – jenny@rwtwales.org or 07508866615




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Event Contact Details

Phone: +447508866615

Email: jenny@rwtwales.org


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