The group is very much going to be a open forum for women to come together and be!
Initially it will have no firm structure but will be allowed to grow as those whom attend want it to, somewhere women can make new acquaintances and friendships. It has also been suggested that over time women can share skills and expertise and help each other out in an emergency when needed. Jenny and Annie will lead the group initially, & with direction organise monthly guest speakers, workshops etc.
The women who have approached us around setting up the group have a huge amount to offer from disciplines such as complimentary therapies, health, arts, crafts, music, running women‘s groups, yoga etc. walking, etc.
It is intended for ALL ages, and women that have children will be welcome but they will need to be responsible for their children. We will have a subsidised Cafe available, & Stuart our Digi-Guru will also be in the Cafe if women want help & support re IT.