News from K&DCC: Fashion and Fizz

  • 18 June 2024
  • Conner Bufton

News from K&DCC: Fashion and Fizz

A well attended Fashion Show held at the Community Centre, raised a substantial sum of money, around £700, to support the very popular “Women’s Hour” project, which is held at the Centre every Tuesday between 1115 and mid-day. The show was sponsored by the well-known Knighton fashion retailer, W.E. Price, who supplied both the clothes and the models. During the evening a group following a photography course at the Centre took photographs, some of which have been displayed on local media platforms.
The Photography Course, which has been fully subscribed, is run by Stuart McIvor, who is in charge of the Digital Hub, based in the library, which provides support for and access to everything to do with the Internet and Social Media. Stuart is planning to run a further course over the summer period, and is also hoping current students will support the development of a Photography Club based at the Centre. Anyone interested in finding out more can contact Stuart at or on 07999837814.


Phil Grierson
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