News from K&DCC: Ruth Forrester

  • 15 August 2024
  • Conner Bufton

News from K&DCC: Ruth Forrester

Many people will know Ruth from her tireless work supporting K&DCC over many years, not least with regard to the securing of grants for various projects, and as Secretary, a post from which she recently resigned.
As a “Thank-you” for all she has done, representatives from the Management Committee recently surprised Ruth at home with the presentation of a wonderful terra cotta garden pot, commissioned and produced by local potter Tony Hall.
During her time at the Centre, Ruth has been central to the development of many initiatives and projects, including the Tuesday cafe, the Thursday lunchtime drop-in, the Family Centre and the Youth Work project, developed in conjunction with Knighton Town Council. Ruth also worked on the Community Cohesion Project, which produced the film ‘Knighton is my home’.
All who have had the pleasure and privilege of working with Ruth over the years send their thanks, and wish her all the very best in whatever she chooses to do in the years to come.

Phil Grierson

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