Solar Panel System

  • 01 July 2019
  • Ceri Brown

Knighton Community Centre now has a solar system up and running, installed by Gwent Energy CIC who worked in appalling weather to make sure work was completed in time to be eligible for the feed-in tariff. Consisting of an array of 72 panels, generating approximately 19,688 kWh every year, the system is going to make significant savings for the centre. Moreover, it is a step in the direction of making Knighton carbon neutral and therefore good news all round.

Funding came from a variety of sources, including the Naturesave Trust, The Naturesave Trust is funded by the activities of Naturesave Insurance, the UK’s leading ethical insurance provider for individuals, businesses, charities and community groups.

Michael Harding, from the Community Centre management committee, said:

‘It is wonderful to know that the Community Centre is reducing its dependency on fossil fuels and therefore helping to lower the carbon footprint of our town. The money saved helps the Community Centre to continue to be a hub for local residents, providing services and leisure activities.’

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