​The Knighton Literary Festival October 2019

  • 30 October 2019
  • Ceri Brown

Over the 4 days 1398 came through the doors with 400 attending author’s talks or workshops. Visitors also enjoyed the market which had a range of interesting and enticing stalls and the activities for children.
This was made possible by the generous help, commitment and support of all of you volunteers, who gave over 275 hours of your time, and set up, took down, baked cakes, ran the café, put up posters and boards, organised, ran activities, entertained with lovely music, did the sound and recordings, donated funds, supported the authors and made sure the days ran smoothly.

Thanks is also due to the Powys Library Service, The Knighton Community Centre Committee, Everyone who donated to the Raffle, Hafren Vets for supporting the Children’s competition, and of course the enthusiastic audience and visitors.

​Some of the Feedback comments
“Really Good content and atmosphere. Entertaining and educational. Well done!”
“Very well run, I thoroughly enjoyed what I saw”
“Amazing event, we need more things like this in Knighton”
“Extremely well organised, very interesting and varied. Thank you”
“ Brilliant! Looking forward to next year”

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